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Sabbatical Reflections Week Two

Now that I have taken a breath this week, I started thinking about the things God wants for me during this time. Although I am naturally goal-oriented, I have determined to have just a few priorities during this time. My main desire is to let Jesus in his love and grace direct my daily activities.

One priority is taking care of my physical health. I continue to try to have challenges with my back, knee, Fibro, and something new. For the past two weeks, I have been experiencing some circulation issues. I am confident they are related to my back issues. So next week, I start PT and have three appointments. I’m eager to see what kind of progress we can make!

Reading is something I enjoy and rarely get to do for pleasure. I have continued this week with the selections from Ruth Haley Barton. Particularly connecting with Invitation to Retreat, God spoke to me about my time at the retreat center later this summer. In the chapter about things that keep us striving, Jesus showed me that my biggest challenge is my own self-will. Now, this may not be new news to those of you close to me, but it certainly was to me! He reminded me that a refusal to rest in a Christ-follower is a lot like a grumpy, tired child who refuses to nap. Of course, everyone around the child pays for the refusal to rest! Sorry!

I also have restarted a book I have wanted to read for 20 years, Invitation to the Classics. It does not escape me that my son is 20 years old! It is a meaty read and not one I wanted to tackle while amid the challenges of parenting and seminary. The dust jacket states that it offers “concise, readable, and stimulating introductions to about seventy of the greatest books and authors.” The first intro is for the Iliad and the Odyessy. I just requested a copy of Homer’s Iliad from Richland Library and look forward to its arrival!

I worked very hard in the first part of the week, spreading about 30 bags of mulch. I might be halfway. This week I won’t work quite so hard outside; generally, I enjoy being active outdoors. It makes me happy!

Thank goodness for the drainage we had installed. Without it, we might all have drowned this week or slid off the hill into the street. The water was gushing out so hard the caps in the road had to be fastened so they wouldn’t blow off!

I enjoyed my first Caprese Salad with Basil from my garden and local tomatoes. Friday, I ventured down to the NoMa Flea, where I delighted in the artisans and a great cup of coffee at Indah Coffee. Then Saturday, I took in the sites and sounds of the Richland County Ag & Art tour. If you don’t know this, I love farms! Especially those that use sustainable practices. I have included some photos from some of my favorite moments on the farms.

What a gift to reconnect with me during this time. I am enjoying things I have not done for years, perhaps since arriving in South Carolina.

I pray that all of you I love and am not seeing enjoy God’s gifts this summer season.



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