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My Coaching Story

The photos on this page represent the fulfillment of my goals and dreams.
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More About Me: News and Tips

Discover Your Strengths

My path was full of obstacles and reasons why I would fail. Consistently doing what was in front of me and doing it to the best of my ability led me to a career which naturally leverages my strengths. As a Pastor, I work on a great team with a commitment to shared values and having fun along the way.

As your coach, I will help you define and utilize

your strengths to find fulfilling work. 

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Time for What Matters Most

Travel and adventure with the people I love tops my list of what matters most. It takes balance to make room for those things.

As your coach, I will help you explore what you want most in life and support your plan to make it happen.


Living Our Best Lives

Happiness and success in my life have increased as I have been able to align my values, goals, and work. For that alignment to take place, I had to discover what was truly important to me. Understanding my values allowed me to create a fulfilling and sustainable lifestyle. 

As your coach I will help you discover and navigate your unique path to success in any area of life.

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